June 17, 2022 | 1:30PM
Fulton Recital Hall, Goodspeed Hall 4th floor
The CHIME Studio at The University of Chicago presents CHIMEFest 2022, a gathering of composers and sound artists from the Midwest. The festival will include performances of music for instruments and electronics, acousmatic works, works with video, a sound art installation by UChicago composer Kari Watson, and a presentation by Melody Chua, Interdisciplinary Artist of Interactive Technologies and Associate Lecturer at the University of the Arts in Bern, Switzerland, on "(Dis)embodiment with an Immersive Improvisation Machine."
All day: Sounding th’ Hunt — sculptural sound installation by Kari Watson and Emily Harter
1:30 pm: Concert I
Openings…….Jung Hyun Lee
Pocket Anxiety……Ethan Fegan
Whales Find a Piano…..Elizabeth Love
//run without caution…..Victor Zheng
Elements……Chin Ting Chan
Poem for Otomo…..Jackson Roush
The seventh, unnamed….Drew Farrar
Dancehall in Space…..Raymond Stunkel
Amò la Francia e mutò nome….Timothy McDunn
3:30 pm: Presentation by Keynote Speaker Melody Chua, "(Dis)embodiment with an Immersive Improvisation Machine"
4:30 pm: Reception
7:30 pm: Concert II
Shuffle and Draw….Michael Pounds
Choices…..Michael Pounds
Moët music…….Hunter Brown
That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles….Carolyn Bocherding
Flowering Dandelion…..Kyong Mee Choi
Arborescencia…..Felipe Tovar-Hennao
Human Sequencer (Entropic Atelier № 4)….Benjamin D. Whiting
Chaosflöte and Live Coding Improvisation…..Null-state
Free for all attendees, no tickets required.